Can You Squat 700 Naturally?

The 700-pound squat is a dream for many weightlifters, symbolizing the upper echelons of strength. While achieving this feat is undoubtedly impressive, the question arises, “Can it be done naturally?” This article delves into the possibility of squatting 700 pounds without the aid of performance-enhancing substances.

Defining “Naturally”

Before addressing the feasibility, it’s crucial to define what “naturally” means in this context. Typically, lifting naturally means without the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), including steroids and certain supplements.

Factors Influencing a 700-pound Squat


While dedication and training are paramount, genetics play a role in one’s lifting potential. Some individuals have a genetic advantage, be it through muscle composition, bone density, or other factors, that predisposes them to excel in powerlifting.

Training Regimen

Reaching a 700-pound squat is a journey that requires a strategic and consistent training regimen. This includes a mix of strength training, hypertrophy workouts, and mobility exercises to ensure muscle growth and prevent injuries.


Feeding the body appropriately is as important as the training itself. Consuming sufficient calories, particularly from protein and carbohydrates, fuels workouts and aids in muscle recovery.

Rest and Recovery

Training breaks down muscle fibers, and recovery allows them to rebuild stronger. Ensuring adequate rest and integrating recovery techniques, such as stretching and foam rolling, can enhance performance over time.

Challenges in Achieving a Natural 700-pound Squat

Risk of Injury

The heavier the lift, the greater the strain on the body, increasing the risk of injury. Maintaining impeccable form becomes vital, especially when approaching such weights.

Progression Plateaus

Most lifters will experience plateaus, where progress seems stagnant. Overcoming these requires a mix of perseverance, strategy adjustments, and sometimes even professional guidance.

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Mental Barriers

Pushing the body to its limits is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. The thought of squatting 700 pounds can be intimidating, and building mental resilience is a key part of the journey.

Is It Possible?

Achieving a 700-pound squat naturally is undeniably challenging and will remain out of reach for many. However, there are natural lifters who have achieved, or even surpassed, this milestone. It’s a combination of favorable genetics, unwavering dedication, proper training, and time.

While squatting 700 pounds naturally is not common, it is achievable for a select few. The journey to such a milestone is filled with challenges, requiring both physical prowess and mental grit. Regardless of whether one reaches this specific goal, the dedication to natural lifting is commendable. Strength is not just about the weight on the bar; it’s about the journey, the commitment, and the integrity with which one approaches their goals.

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