Do Squats Really Give You a Bigger Bum?

The squat is a foundational movement in many fitness regimes, often lauded for its ability to sculpt and strengthen the lower body. With the rise of fitness influencers and the emphasis on a shapely posterior, many wonder if squats are the magic formula for a bigger bum. Let’s delve into the biomechanics and science behind this claim.

The Anatomy of a Squat

Engaging the Muscles

When you squat, you engage multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and, of course, the gluteus maximus. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the buttocks and plays a significant role in the squatting motion, especially when rising from a deep squat.

Depth Matters

The depth of your squat can influence which muscles are predominantly worked. A deeper squat requires a greater engagement of the glutes compared to a shallower squat, which primarily targets the quadriceps.

Squats and Glute Hypertrophy

Hypertrophy refers to the increase in muscle size, and for those looking to enhance their buttocks, hypertrophy of the gluteus maximus is the goal. So, do squats contribute to this?

  • Resistance is Key: Bodyweight squats can be a great starting point, but to significantly increase glute size, adding resistance (like barbell squats or dumbbell squats) is essential. This added weight challenges the muscle fibers, leading to growth over time.
  • Variety is Crucial: While standard squats can engage the glutes, incorporating variations like sumo squats, goblet squats, or Bulgarian split squats can target the muscles differently, promoting balanced growth.
  • Consistency and Progression: As with any exercise, consistency is vital. Gradually increasing the weight or reps ensures continuous muscle engagement and growth.
  Can Squats Increase Bum Size?

Other Factors Influencing Glute Growth


Building muscle isn’t just about working out. Proper nutrition, especially adequate protein intake, is essential for muscle repair and growth. Without the right nutrients, the body can’t effectively rebuild the muscle fibers torn during workouts, limiting gains.


Genetics play a role in how and where our bodies store fat and build muscle. Some people might find it easier to gain muscle in their glutes, while others might have to work harder for the same results.


Rest is when the magic happens. Overworking the muscles without adequate recovery can hinder growth. It’s crucial to give the glutes ample time to recover between intense workouts.

While squats are a powerful tool in the quest for a bigger bum, they are just one piece of the puzzle. They certainly engage and can grow the glute muscles when performed with resistance and variety. However, nutrition, genetics, and recovery also play pivotal roles in the journey. To maximize results, it’s advisable to follow a comprehensive fitness and nutrition plan tailored to individual goals and to consider incorporating other glute-targeting exercises alongside squats.